Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To do list

Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted. Life has been a little hectic recently! Hoping things slow down soon, but they probably won't!

I have taken many of time management, personal goals, blah blah blah training courses in my day. I have always been a list maker for day to day stuff. You know like groceries, bills, little day to day things. I have never been one to right down long term life changing goals, but I decided to try it about 6 months ago. Talk about scary. There were so many things I wanted to change about my life and I kind of giggled when I was writing the list. Amazing what negative thoughts can do! For awhile it seemed things were not getting accomplished but I kept (and keep) working toward my goals. Check out my progress:

1. Get a new hobby- Check! Crocheting has really been a stress reliever for me

2. Run more often because I want to-not because I have to! - Amazing how this has changed how I feel when I put on those running shoes. Also amazing how I don't feel guilty when I don't do it.

3. Finish School- still in the process of this one but it's getting easier and easier. June is right around the corner.

4. Change my living situation- Check- Even though my current situation is not permanent, I am still much happier than I was in Dec.

5. Find a job- Check! Got a job offer from a local hospital this week! Woohoo now I will get paid for part of the time I'm there.

6. Get a Car- Half a Check! Got the funds to do it today- just need to find the car!

7. Improve my personal relationships- Check and still working on it. Working on being a better mother, friend and person in general. My patience has come a looooooooong way.

I'm so thrilled things are improving and can't wait to add to my list. If you don't practice writing long term goals, try it! You never know what will happen. :)

Last but not least, I have a few projects I'm starting because of this.... http://taiwantreasure.blogspot.com/
SO happy for Jon and Ann! They will be great parents!


island jen said...

I love your list and I'm so happy that you are checking things off! :-)

Ann said...

So glad that you are accomplishing your goals. I still envy the fact that you can run. I try and try and things get hurt...oh well..