Tuesday, February 26, 2008

To do list

Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted. Life has been a little hectic recently! Hoping things slow down soon, but they probably won't!

I have taken many of time management, personal goals, blah blah blah training courses in my day. I have always been a list maker for day to day stuff. You know like groceries, bills, little day to day things. I have never been one to right down long term life changing goals, but I decided to try it about 6 months ago. Talk about scary. There were so many things I wanted to change about my life and I kind of giggled when I was writing the list. Amazing what negative thoughts can do! For awhile it seemed things were not getting accomplished but I kept (and keep) working toward my goals. Check out my progress:

1. Get a new hobby- Check! Crocheting has really been a stress reliever for me

2. Run more often because I want to-not because I have to! - Amazing how this has changed how I feel when I put on those running shoes. Also amazing how I don't feel guilty when I don't do it.

3. Finish School- still in the process of this one but it's getting easier and easier. June is right around the corner.

4. Change my living situation- Check- Even though my current situation is not permanent, I am still much happier than I was in Dec.

5. Find a job- Check! Got a job offer from a local hospital this week! Woohoo now I will get paid for part of the time I'm there.

6. Get a Car- Half a Check! Got the funds to do it today- just need to find the car!

7. Improve my personal relationships- Check and still working on it. Working on being a better mother, friend and person in general. My patience has come a looooooooong way.

I'm so thrilled things are improving and can't wait to add to my list. If you don't practice writing long term goals, try it! You never know what will happen. :)

Last but not least, I have a few projects I'm starting because of this.... http://taiwantreasure.blogspot.com/
SO happy for Jon and Ann! They will be great parents!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Slowly but surely

Things are getting back to the norm. Maegan came by last weekend and looks beautiful. Loved hanging out with her even though she squeezes time in for Old Mom. I've been in the OR and I'm starting to feel more and more confident. I have seen things some people will never see in their lifetime and love it!
My situation is improving everyday and I'm feeling more secure being by myself. Don't get me wrong-I'm still sad and mourning my marriage! But now I feel like I'll be ok!

I've been working on a few odds and ends with some left over yarn. Just a couple of some small projects I've recently done.

Still working on the afghan for Kristin!

I love my cupcake pincushion!

The potholders look better in person , I promise

I'm sure I'll have more next week since I'll be visiting Michael's this weekend. Have a great Friday!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

They sure don't make them like they used to....

My friend Kristin lost her grandmother last month at Christmastime. Her grandfather is devastated. They were married 60 years! Can you imagine spending 60 years with someone and then they are gone? I am thinking more along the lines of can you imagine spending 60 years with the same person. (LOL) He made her tea for her, cleaned her, fed her and cared for her at home until she died. He would not let her go to a nursing home and took care of her until the very end.

So you can imagine how I felt when I called my estranged husband today. I asked him to bring some food I left for me and Hannah. You would think I asked him for a million dollars. That really puts things into perspective and tells me I made the right decision. They sure don't make them like Mr. Ingram and I am glad that I've come to a place in my life that I am happy with just me. Maybe someday I will meet someone but if I don't I'm OK with that too.
I have 2 of the best friends anyone could ask for to get me through all of this. Jen has known me longer than anyone, helps me through everything and loves me unconditionally! Kristin has graciously let me stay with her until I get back on track. I have started some projects but can't tell you about Jen's since she's one of the 2 people that reads my blog. LOL I started an afghan for Kristin to thank her for all she's done. Here is the beginning... I'll post an update when I'm finished. And yes that is a glass of wine in the background courtesy of Kristin. LOL

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gettin in the groove

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I started clinicals in the OR this week and have been beat!
Not to mention the life change that I have gone through. You would not believe what a relief it is to feel free again. I finally feel like my old self again! Thank goodness for good friends!

Going to get some yarn this weekend for a new project! I am starting a throw for my friend Kristen to thank her for everything she's done. Now what to do... off to ravelry to find some patterns.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sink or Swim

Drastic changes are a'comin! Difficult decisions to be made. Lots of tears and headaches. Hope it will all be worth it in the end. Who would know going back to school would be so hard? Why is it IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone HAPPY? (Including yourself) Why do people like to sabotage your efforts to make yourself a better more productive person? Why can't people remember back to a time that you supported them and helped them in the past? Well I am going to finish what I started for ME and my girls. I'm not quitting and I'm not letting anything stand in my way!

My rotation in the OR starts Monday and I'm a little nervous. Just knowing that I will be in the OR and responsible for making sure sponges and tools don't get left behind gives me a stomach ache. I hope I made the right decision and I hope I don't screw up too bad my first week. There is a light at the end of the tunnel isn't there?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A quickie

Just a quick post to share a few projects that made me happy.

My first Amigurumi project. He isn't perfect but I sure think he's cute!

Isn't this donut pincushion yummy?

Went back to school this week and start clinicals next week. Wish me luck because I'll be in the OR. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

When did I get....

Old lady hands????? What the hell? They look like I'm 90 years old! I need some Oil of Olay STAT.

I am so excited to start my next project. I fell in love with these chickens as soon as I saw them. The pattern is from Annie's Attic #873151, Ultimate Book of Pot Holders. I can't wait to get my old lady hands on that book!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Tired of hearing about Britney!

I guess you can tell by the title I'm tired of the Britney saga. If the paparazzi would leave her alone for a little while, she might learn how to function like a normal person. I could not imagine the press following me day and night and watching my every move. I made a ton of mistakes when I was her age and still do! Granted she doesn't make great decisions but why thrive on other people's misery?????? I feel better now that is off my chest.

I'm really excited to share one of my first projects with you. Since I am a beginner, I've been sticking to safe projects like beanies and scarves. I branched out and now have created my first purse!
I am very unsure about how I'm changing over yarn. If you have any secrets please share since I am having nightmares about my creations unraveling! I have done some research on the subject and really still not sure which is best. I am tired of crocheting in one color!!!!!
I want to do so much more, but hate the feeling that it won't stay together. Do they have crochet therapy to help with this??? I guess with time and experience I will become a little more sure of myself.
That's all for now! Off to find my next project....

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Take a Seat

Thank goodness the holidays are over! Normally I'm not a scrooge but this year was difficult since I went back to school. Any family that is living on one income is a miracle as far as I can see! Since I am a starving student I decided to save money and make a few gifts. I didn't realize that I would start a hobby that I couldn't resist- Crochet!

My grandmother crocheted as I was growing up and she could make just about anything. In fact she made this pin cushion for me when I was about 8. I told her I wanted one for my Barbie dolls- LOL. Little did I know-after she passed away- I would become addicted to this wonderful art. I have looked everywhere for a pin cushion pattern like this but can't find one anywhere! So in honor of her-I now use it for it's intended purpose and have begun to crochet.

I will be sharing projects and problems I encounter along the way. Please feel free to share advice and your projects too!