Saturday, January 26, 2008

They sure don't make them like they used to....

My friend Kristin lost her grandmother last month at Christmastime. Her grandfather is devastated. They were married 60 years! Can you imagine spending 60 years with someone and then they are gone? I am thinking more along the lines of can you imagine spending 60 years with the same person. (LOL) He made her tea for her, cleaned her, fed her and cared for her at home until she died. He would not let her go to a nursing home and took care of her until the very end.

So you can imagine how I felt when I called my estranged husband today. I asked him to bring some food I left for me and Hannah. You would think I asked him for a million dollars. That really puts things into perspective and tells me I made the right decision. They sure don't make them like Mr. Ingram and I am glad that I've come to a place in my life that I am happy with just me. Maybe someday I will meet someone but if I don't I'm OK with that too.
I have 2 of the best friends anyone could ask for to get me through all of this. Jen has known me longer than anyone, helps me through everything and loves me unconditionally! Kristin has graciously let me stay with her until I get back on track. I have started some projects but can't tell you about Jen's since she's one of the 2 people that reads my blog. LOL I started an afghan for Kristin to thank her for all she's done. Here is the beginning... I'll post an update when I'm finished. And yes that is a glass of wine in the background courtesy of Kristin. LOL

1 comment:

island jen said...

Did I tell you that the new place my knitting groups meets at serves need to come with us one time!